EU decision makers are currently discussing how to reform its Emissions Trading Scheme for the period 2021-2030. Here is what has happened so far:
October 2014 EU Heads of State and Government agreed to a 2030 at least -40% greenhouse gas reduction target below 1990 emissions. (This is also the EU’s INDC under UNFCCC). They also set the two targets that are to meet this overall target:
- 1.Emissions Trading Scheme – ETS (for power & industry GHGs): -43% below 2005 emissions
- 2. Effort Sharing Regulation – ESR (for transport, building, agriculture, some industry, waste):
-30% below 2005 emissions, broken down in national targets for all 28 EU Member States, read more: Effort Sharing Decision/Regulation
European Parliament
UK MEP Ian Duncan (ECR), leads the European Parliament’s discussion.
- 13 October 2016 vote in the ITRE Committee, see our Press release here
- 15 December 2016 vote in the ENVI Committee, See our Press release here
- February 2017: European Parliament ETS plenary vote, see Outcome of the European Plenary Vote of the ETS Reform
European Council
In the Environment Council the Member States debate the ETS proposal under the leadership of its consecutive presidencies: 2016: Netherlands, Slovakia, 2017: Malta, Estonia (no UK presidency!), 2018: Bulgaria, Austria. Discussions are ongoing and will likely take until the middle or the end of 2017.
On 28. Feb 2017 the Council decided on its Position on the ETS reform, see Outcome of the Environment Council agreement on the ETS reform
Negotiations between the European Commission, Council and Parliament start now that both the European Parliament and the Council have their positions.